We all know that Android is one of the most popular mobile platform. But how many people know that Android Versions are named in alphabetical order. Lets reveal the secret of its version which follow the alphabetical order.
These are the android version names :
2. Donut
3. Eclair
4. Froyo
5. Gingerbread
6. Honeycomb
7. Ice Cream Sandwich
8. Jelly Bean

9. Guess what is its next version ?
The Upcoming next version is : Kitkat (Android 4.4)

The above logo is the upcoming version of the android i.e Kitkat where you will find some interesting new features and something which was not in its previous version. 

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  1. lolz :P...Android Version 4.4(i.e KitKat) was already released by sept 2013...The next version(4.5) ll be come with starting alphabet 'L'..


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