Can you imagine if you have an app and sometimes you can't access the code due to some problem( may be path problem ) but you have the .apk file with you, then you need some of the changes in the code for running purpose as the client is waiting.
Then what you will do?
                         Think Think Think..
Here is the solution for this,

1) First download the apktool from according to OS you are using.

2)Then download from

3) Extract it and save it in particular folder.For Example it is.
So now in   E:\applications\apktool there is 3 ( 2 apktool (1 for all and another for your OS),1 signapk file ) types of file.Extract it.

4) Put the apk file which you want to edit in the apktool folder.

5) Take the apktool.jar  and paste it in that folder.

6) Open cmd(Command prompt) and go to that apktool location where .apk file is available.
     Then type      apktool d [Your apk file].apk

7) And be sure don't close your CMD ( Command prompt ).

8)Now a folder with the name of Your apk file will be availble. Edit what you want.
   Now its the Time for gain compile the app.

9)Type the following to compile your app -
          apktool b [Your old apk name][Your new apk name].apk

10) Must not close your CMD.

11) Open the apktool folder in explorer. In that folder, you will now see a new file called [desired name of new apk file].apk. Then copy this file to SignApk folder.

12)Now to sign the apk. If you don't sign it, you will be unable to install it. Go to the command prompt, and type:
         java -jar signapk.jar  [name of apk you just copied].apk [another name].apk

                                Now the apk has changed and signed also..

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