Most importantly Struts 1 is a web framework which is internally implemented using Servlet and JSP technologies.

This web framework is designed by Apache Software Foundation in 2001 keeping in view to reduce the task of the developer and maintenance issue which was much in Servlet.

Struts framework is implemented based
     -> MVC Architecture
     -> Front Controller Design Pattern
     -> Servlet & JSP.

Struts cover up the Controller and Presentation layer. In Controller layer internally Servlet is implemented using the Front Controller design pattern and for Presentation layer internally JSP is implemented with some tld files, by which developer can use some pre-implemented tags instead of writing java code in jsp page and hence reduce the java codes in jsp pages at the result enhance the maintenance issues. 

Struts Version

There are two versions released by Apache i.e
1. Struts 1.x  ( x = 0, 1, 2, 3)
2. Struts 2.0

Required jars of Struts 1 

There are 10 jars implemented by the Apache . They are :-

1.  commons-beanutils
2.  commons-collections
3.  commons-digester
4.  commons-fileupload
5.  commons-lang
6.  commons-logging
7.  commons-validator
8.  jakarta-oro
9.  struts
10. struts-legacy

And one more java we need to of servlet-api jar implemented by the web server vendors i.e
servlet-api .

Required Xml Files 

1. web.xml
2. struts-config.xml

Note: In struts-config.xml we are configuring form beans and action classes using form-beans and action-mapping tags respectively. 

In we.xml we are configuring the ActionServlet class which is implemented using the Front-controller design at the start-up of server and configuring struts-config.xml as the inti-param with the fixed inti-param name i.e config

* ActionServlet class is implemented by the Apache which is available in the org.apache.struts.action package.

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