According to OOPS ( Object-oriented concept ) inheritance are classified into 6 category in which java support 5 of them and one is not supported in java i.e multiple inheritance for which there is a concept of interface . Interface is used to make JAVA support for multiple inheritance. The following 6 types of inheritance are as follows :- 1. Simple Inheritance 2. Multiple...
It is a concept in java which provide the re usability of the members of one class/object to another class/object. Inheritance term itself defines the property inheriting. In java we are working with class so here we are going to inherit the property of one class into another i.e we are reusing the unresticted members of one class into other class who is inheriting that class....
Introduction to Java Setting PATH and CLASSPATH in java and configure it in Window 7 Simple program to start with coding in java  Some important points keep in mind while writing any java program How and Why to use main() method in java? Compilation and Interpretation in java Importance of " import " statement in java Data Types in java Literals in Java Operators in Java    String Concatenation Operator ( + ) in Java Assignment...
1> Save any java program with .java extension only. 2> In a source file we can have as many import statement but is should be 2nd statement if there is any package statement. 3> Any package statement must be the first statement otherwise compiler will give compilation error. 4> Class file will be generated for any many class defined in a single source file . For ex- a program has 3 classes then compiler will create 3 .class...
Class loading is a process which is done by the JVM after compilation. When we are compiling then the task of compiler is to check the syntax error which is called as compilation and hence after successful compilation a .class file is created which is a compiled file and now before processing that class, it is first loaded by the JVM and while loading .class file  JVM...
Can you imagine if you have an app and sometimes you can't access the code due to some problem( may be path problem ) but you have the .apk file with you, then you need some of the changes in the code for running purpose as the client is waiting. Then what you will do?                          Think Think Think.. GOT???                  ...
We all know that Android is one of the most popular mobile platform. But how many people know that Android Versions are named in alphabetical order. Lets reveal the secret of its version which follow the alphabetical order. These are the android version names : 1.Cupcake 2. Donut 3. Eclair 4. Froyo 5. Gingerbread 6. Honeycomb 7. Ice Cream Sandwich 8. Jelly Bean 9....
Transaction is the process of performing multiple database operations as one unit with all nothing criteria. I:e when all the database operations in the unit are successful then transaction is successful and should be committed. When any one database operation in the unit are failed then transaction are failed and should be rolled back. When you implement transaction property in your application it guarantees ACID properties. A- Atomicity C- Consistency I-...
Configuration or AnnotationConfiguration : These are available in org.hibernate.cfg package. This is the first class that will be instantiated by hibernate application. You can use Configuration or AnnotationConfiguration class object for 2 task :-> calling configure or configure(String) method.-> calling buildSessionFactory() method. configure() method is responsible...
You will become suprised to heard that a small 18 years old girl who wants to be a designer,get success in her life by designing the great Android Logo. Irina Blok was a designer  at Google now famous for her great design:-The Green Android Robot Logo. For Designing the Logo,the inspiration came from bathroom door. The outline of men and women have...
We can categorize the types of variables in java as  1> Local variable  2> Static variable 3> Instance variable 4> Reference variable  Static and instance variable can be of reference type.And both static and instance are the scope of class it means we are defining in the class only. We cannot define static variable in the local scope like in the method block. For details about static variable Click Here .  Local...
Command line argument is the facility in java to pass the string value while executing the class file after the compilation.While executing the class file we can give as many string value separated with the space. These values are passed to the main method with array of String as an argument and the size of the array will be decided as per the value provided while executing. JVM will invoke the main () with array of string and can able to print...
It is a new feature introduced from java 5. It is same as array but in case of variable arguments we are passing directly value were as in case of array we need to create manually an array object. The task we are doing of creating an array is done by compiler itself in case of VAR-ARGS. Important points regrading VAR-ARGS 1> Its simply reduced the task of creating an array manually, compiler will internally create the array of the specified...
Method overloading in java is the facility which allow us to write same name method with different arguments and hence different implementation.So now with the help of method overloading we can use same method name with different implementation and method overloading should we within same class. Let me explain you with the help of an example. public  class prog{ void display() { System.out.println("Method without argument") ; } void display(int...
In java we can define object as the instance of class. Object is used to instantiate all the non-static members. In java everything is based on Object, it means memory are allocating for the objects only. Everything we are dealing with is the help of object only , it may be calling method, accessing instance variable and many more.  Important point regarding Object...
Before understanding about final method you need to know about over riding because any method in java is having some concern with over riding . So to know more about over riding just Click here. As we know that we can easily over ride non-final method but once method is declared as final it cannot be over ride.And we are over riding any method of super-class in the sub-class only. For ex- Syntax of Final method : < final >  <...
In java there is no such word like constant to define a variable as constant. But java has a keyword called final which is used to declare constant in Java. Like C in java also by declaring a variable as a constant cannot be modified further and if tried then it will give compilation error. Final is also called as the modifier in java like static is a modifier. Syntax of final variable : < final > < data_type > < var_name >...
Loading the bean which is configured in the Spring-context.xml file, can be done in two ways : 1. Eager loading or Aggressive loading 2. Lazy Loading Eager loading or Aggressive loading  In the case of Aggressive loading all the beans will be loaded and initialized at container start-up. It is called as eager or aggressive loading because of loading all the bean , instance instantiated and initializing at the container start-up only. We...
Bean instance created by spring container can be in one of the following scopes. Singleton Prototype Request Session Global-Session Singleton : When bean scope is singleton only one instance will be created for that bean and the same instance will be returned when you call getBean() method. Singleton is the default scope in ApplicationContext container. When scope of bean is singleton than default loading type is aggressive loading. Prototype...
Now lets have some useful stuffs regarding initialization block. It is just a block defined as the static. We can have print statement ,  static method call but we cannot declare any static variable in static initialization block. When any class is loaded then first JVM will initialize the static variable and then execution starts and initialization block statements are first  to be executed by the JVM even before executing main ( ) . Syntax...

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