There are some important terms in Spring AOP which we need to know about. All total there are 8 terms which are as follows : 1. Aspect 2. Advice 3. JoinPoint 4. PointCut 5. Advisor 6. Target 7. Proxy 8. Weaving Aspect : It is one of the main concept in AOP which is programmatically represented as Middle Level Services(Sercurity, transaction, log etc) . Advices are applied to the Aspect. For ex- Aspects are the middle level services...
AOP is termed as Aspect Oriented Programming. Spring AOP is a concept which overcomes the limitations with the simple OOPs concepts. It is a new kind of programming technique which gives the facility to add the functionality dynamically. Here Spring Container is responsible to generating and executing the code dynamically, only we need to configure in the XML or through Annotation. Technically Middle Level Services termed as Aspect and...

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