@Autowired can also be used with Setter method though Spring Container detects the bean instance using byType process only and inject the bean property using Setter Injection. Using @Autowired with the Setter means wiring at the property head. There will not be any need to configure XML with the <constructor-arg> tag. It is same as byType autowiring prcoess with a difference of mapping style.
Example showing the...
@Autowired can also be used with Constructor by which Spring Container detects the bean instance using byType process but inject the bean property using Constructor Injection. Using @Autowired with the Constructor, there is not need to configuring XML with the <constructor-arg> tag. It is same as constructor autowiring prcoess with a difference of mapping style.
Example showing the Annotation on Constructor :
There are two bean class...
@Autowired is used on Properties, which means Spring Container detects the bean instance using the byType process but injection is not with Setter method.This is how byType auto-wiring process is different from Annotation based auto-wiring. Hence annotation tells no need to write any setter method or constructor for injecting the bean property.
Example showing the Annotation on Properties :
There are two bean class A and Hello and Hello is having...
Auto-wiring in spring can also be achieved through Annotation. Annotation is the simplest way to achieve wiring in Spring as it doesn't involve any extra code in XML file. It can be parsed by the Spring container at the time of reading the bean class. An the strange fact is that annotation auto-wiring doesn't use any of the constructor or setter injection for injection the bean property else it uses its own way to inject the bean property. But...
1. IOC Container in Spring
2. Spring Framework Architecture
3. Benefits of Spring Framework
4. Spring Wiring Process
5. Dependency Injection
6. Implicit Wiring ( Auto-Wiring)
7. Spring Autowiring : byType
8. Spring Autowiring : byName
9. Spring Autowiring : Constructor
10. Spring Autowiring : Autodetect
11. Cyclic Dependency
12. Bean Loading type in Spring
13. Bean Scopes in Spring
14. Annotation Based Autowiring
@Autowired on...
Cyclic dependency is the one of the major limitation of the Injection process in Spring. Constructor Injection has chance of having Cyclic Dependency, while the same is not possible in case of Setter Injection.
When both the beans depends on each other for injecting the bean property then it forms the Cyclic Dependency. In Cyclic Dependency containers goes on infinite loop for getting the bean instance, so to avoid this type of situation ( Cyclic...
In Spring wiring means configuration the bean dependency if any. It may be done explicitly by hard-coding the code in XMl file or implicitly by mentioning the required type of autowiring process in the XML file. Autowiring process is further divided into two category :
1. XML based Auto-Wiring process.
2. Annotation based Auto-Wiring process.
Explicitly wiring the dependencies in the XML is otherwise also called as XML based Explicitly Wiring.
It is a type of auto-wiring in which the injection procedure may be constructor or setter injection , depends on the argumented constructor is there in the bean. Container gives priority for the constructor injection and search for any argumented defined in the bean for injecting the bean property , if yes then injected and if not then setter injection is used for injecting the bean property.
Autodetect wiring process is not in the Spring...
In this type of implicit wiring, container detect the bean instance and matches by its type with the type of the bean in the XML and then identifies the matching constructor to inject the bean dependencies.
Here the autowire value will be " constructor ".
Some task performed by the the Container :
1. Container checks for any instance running.
2. If its not running then try to create the instance by reading its bean definition in the XML.
3. If...
In this type of implicit wiring, container detect the bean instance and matches its name with the value of the id attribute as hard-coded in the XML file with the bean tag.
Some task performed by the the Container :
1. Container check for any bean instance running.
2. If not then try to load and create the instance of bean by finding its bean definition in the XML.
3. If yes, then try to match its name with the value of the " id " attribute hard-coded...
In this type of auto-wiring container detect the bean instance with its data type and checks the data type of the bean instance running in the container with the bean type mentioned in the dependency bean.
Some of the task performed by the Container
1. It checks whether the instance of the dependent bean is running in the container or not.
2. If not then try to load the class and create the instance by searching for its bean definition in the...
The term auto itself says half the meaning of this wiring, that the things are done implicitly without the hard-coding any thing. Wiring defines the process of injection of the dependencies of the bean. So in Auto Wiring we are not hard-coding the process by which Container will be injecting the dependencies. We are just indicating the container to do the injection by writing something in the xml file using " autowire " attribute. Autowire is an...
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