Some of the Java Interview Questions for the fresher and Experienced ( Set - 3 ) 1. What is package in Java? What is its advantage ? Ans: This is the basic question might be asked in the interview. You just need to give the exact and proper definition in simple words. " Package is the storage directory of java files. It is a way by which java classes get organized and placed in well structured directory. " Advantages of packages: 1. It is going...
1. Introduction to Struts 1 2. What happen at container Start-up 3. ActionServlet in Struts 1 ( Request Process ) 4. About execute() method in Struts 1 5. Configuring ActionServlet in Struts 1 6. Configuring Action class in web.xml 7. Struts Request Processing Flow 8. Struts 1 Example using Eclipse ...
1. Java Interview Questions ( Set - 1 ) 2. Java Interview Questions ( Set - 2 ) 3. Java Interview Questions ( Set - 3 ) ...
Some of the java Interview Questions for the fresher and Experienced ( Set - 2 ) 1. What will happen if we try to modify the value of a final variable ? Ans: Final variable can't be modified , if we try to do so then a compile time exception will be thrown i.e java.lang.IllegalAccessException. 2. What is Oops Concept ? Ans: Oops is considered as Object Oriented Feature. As java is Object- Oriented language so it supports the following Oops...
Some of the java Interview Questions for the fresher and Experienced ( Set - 1 ) 1. What is Java , speak something about Java ? Ans: Basically few points has to be remembered regarding java : a) Java is high level language. b) Java is Compiled and Interpreted language. c) Java is a Object-Oriented Language but not a pure Object-Oriented. d) Java is Platform-Independent Language which makes language as Portable. ........ Click here to see...
It is a public abstract interface. Many classes and interfaces are extending this abstract interface for different purposes. SuperClass of Appendable:- From java.lang package - StringBuffer StringBuilder From package - BufferedWriter CharArrayWriter FileWriter FilterWriter OutputStreamWriter PipedWriter PrintStream PrintWriter StringWriter Writer From java.nio package -  CharBuffer From java.rmi.server package - LogStream All...
It is a private class or more specifically we can say its a ' private - package ' class i.e it is declared as not public and as abstract. As it was not there before the release of JDK 1.5 and was first introduced in java 5.0 as the superclass for both StringBuffer and StringBuilder.  Initially before JDK 1.5 there was only one class i.e StringBuffer ( which is thread safe ) and was extending Object class, but later with the release of JDK...
It is the only abstract interface in the java.lang package. It is the basic interface containing non-implemented methods all regarding and involving characters only like length() , charAt() etc and a special method i.e toString() method. It is the super class of many of the classes and interfaces, which are shown below. Implementation class for the abstract method declared in the in the CharSequence interface are:- AbstractStringBuilder (c)...
Java is using java.lang as the default package.All the basic functionality for writing a simple java program are there written in the form of classes and interfaces and also designed some of the possible and probable exception and error raised while compiling and executing programs. Here i am categorizing all the exception, error , abstract class , final classes, interfaces etc.... Classes in java.lang packages List of Abstract Interfaces (1) CharSequence List...
Java Packages is the collection of pre-defined classes interfaces and thus all these classes contains both the implemented and non-implemented methods. Java is using java.lang package as the default package. Below are the list of some of the packages in java. java.lang package java.util package package java.math package java.rmi package java.sql package A java package is the collection of similar types. After Writing all the required...
Following are task done by the Proxy Object when we calls the business logic on the proxy object. 1.  First proxy checks whether the Business logic( methods ) to be invoked is available with the target class object or proxy interface specified by the developer in the Spring Configuration while configuring the proxy for the target class.  2. If it found either with the target class or the proxy interface, collects the data configured...
This is the very first technique to implement Spring AOP using Spring API. Later they introduces Annotation and XML schema concept which itself uses Spring API but with Annotation/ XML schema approach.  Using ProxyFatoryBean we are approaching or implementing AOP in our service layers to our business operations to wrap business operations with the middle level services. In this approach we are creating the proxies either of the target class...

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