After installing java and setting the path for it now its turn to have some fun with codes. Now i am going to tell you how to print your text in java. Its a very simple program and basically for beginners. There are some important concept of packages in java and i m going to use that package concept in my program just to make you aware for this. We will see the details in their respective topics. First program in java to print a simple text...
Today I am going to tell you other alternative you can do in order to avoid LazyInitializationException: Session has been closed. If you are using SPRING with HIBERNATE that you can take the advantages of IOC and AOP. These are some functions that you must have to know in order to understand the working of this concept. session.connect() : It is a function that will be called on a Session object it is responsible for establishing the connection...
Like all other programming language it is also a well known programming language basically designed for web application . As we all know that c++ is an objected oriented language but not fully object oriented, an attempt made by the java programmers to make it full / pure object oriented language and some how it satisfies but still it is not a pure object oriented language as just because we are still using primitive data types ( int, float, long,...
Setting PATH and CLASSPATH are two different task in Java. Let me make you more clear about PATH setting and CLASSPATH setting in Java. If you had missed your lectures on PATH setting then this post will make you clear view about PATH setting .  PATH ---> It is the path indicating the lists of all java executable files which will be use to run our java programs. CLASSPATH...
Hibernate Indexes Hibernate Fetching Strategies What is n+1 problem and how to solve it. ...
Once the session is closed you can not be able to access the data from detached object and if you do you will get a LazyInitializationException: Session has been closed. It means that your session and session transaction is closed and you are trying to access the information from the proxy that is not initialized. These are the solutions to overcome this LazyInitializationException : Open session in view. Thread local design pattern. Command design...
Today i am going to tell you what are the Hibernate Fetching Strategies and how to use that in order to tune the performance of your applications. So these are the fetching strategies in hibernate : join fetching(fetch="join") : In this case Hibernate will retrieves all the information in a single select statement. select fetching(fetch="select") : Here the Hibernate will pass the second select statement for fetching the associated collection...
N+1 is one of the most famous question among java developers. It will give some performance issue if you where working on a large project. So it's better to resolve it using some below techniques. What is n+1 problem ? Ans: I am taking one example to let you understand that what n+1 problem is. Suppose you have number of students in a college and every students have some number of books. so one to many relation is between student and books. Now...

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